Monday, September 22, 2014

God Has a Sense of Humor, You Should Too :)

Awhile back, I was pretty mad at God. I was reading some theology and reflecting on other theology I had read some time ago about the sovereignty and providence of God. Wrestling with God's providence and our free will, I let loose on God about what is the point of even investing in a prayer life or seeking to prepare for a calling if He is gonna do what He is gonna do. Frustrated, I just let God know how I felt. He can take whatever I throw at Him, anyway.

Talking with a pastor for our weekly theological discipleship, I recounted the above, not looking for answers, but a place to process. He listened and recounted his journey of walking through this with the Lord. We really didn't talk too much about it after that and moved on to a different subject.


The next day while walking out to the car with my wife, I noticed a lot of crows flying overhead, like a lot. They all seemed to be landing in a large, full, green tree just ahead. I made a comment about all the crows, made some crow noises at them, and then began to cross the street. Just as I stepped off the sidewalk... splat! I crow pooped on my head! I couldn't believe it! I was appalled and quite disgusted. My wife wouldn't let me use her shirt to clean it off either. 

I then began to ask out loud if God had ordained this or if the crows just happened to fly over when I happened to be walking across the street at that time. My wife said, "Whether God ordained it or not, He was probably laughing!" Ha! I laughed too and thought God must have thought it was funny. 

The point of this is don't forget God has a sense of humor and probably laughs with (or at!) us once in a while. So I think we should laugh at the funny things in life (or things we might not think are so funny at first!). Remembering laughing is good for our soul and reflects an important part of His image in us.

God has a sense of humor. You should too :)

Jesus, may you teach us to laugh more at the funny and random things that happen to us in our lives. Amen.

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