Monday, November 3, 2014

A High Call

God tests His people. He tests our integrity and obedience. And the decisions we make will determine who we will be. God has a high call.

As the people of God, we are set apart from the world. We are called to be a different people. What sets us apart most from those who know God and those who do not, is their character. A person's character will determine whether or not he or she can be trusted with responsibility from God. To test us, God will allow our integrity and obedience to be challenged.

I was tested a couple months ago, and I did not realize until after the fact that God tested me. While waiting in the Academic Advising office, I grabbed a National Geographic magazine to pass some time. Only looking at the pictures, and flipping the pages, I came across a naked woman from an indigenous culture. Caught off guard, I had a choice. I could either let myself linger or remove my eyes from the page and continue on in the magazine. I chose to bounce my eyes off the picture and turn the page. Only later reflecting on the experience did I perceive that God tested me. The decision I made then will determine who I will be in the future.

Jesus was tested too. "Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil" (Matthew 4:1). In this temptation, Jesus was faced with the choice of relying on himself rather than God; manipulating God; and worshiping something else rather than God. Jesus passed his tests. The decisions Jesus made determined who he would be later in his life as a person of integrity and obedience to God.

God is looking for men and women of proven character whom He can entrust the responsibilities of His kingdom. The small decisions we make will either strengthen our character or create little cracks that will spread to other areas of our lives.

Have you ever seen a church leader fall? It is incredibly sad and could also be any of us at any moment. Often the reason why a church leader falls is because he or she made small decisions that jeopardized their character. God had been giving them integrity and obedience tests along the way, but they missed the flags or decided to choose otherwise.

What about you? Do you have character that will pass integrity and obedience checks?

Students. Do you maintain academic integrity?
Business people. Do you cultivate financial integrity with your employees and the government?
Spouses. Do you control your thoughts and eyes?
Spiritual leaders. Do you keep your relationship with God first over your work?
Parents. Do you treat your children fairly without partiality?
God's people. Do you seek to hold to integrity and obedience in difficult decisions?

Each of us will be tested. The outcome of our tests will be determined by the small (or big) decisions we make in our daily life. These decisions will determine our integrity and obedience.

The decisions we make will determine who we will be and what God entrusts into our care.

Also know, that for those of us (including myself) who have failed the tests God has laid before us, there is grace and redemption. Even David who committed adultery and murdered an innocent man was still known by God as a man after His own heart. (1 Samuel 13:13-14) The key to David's grace and redemption was repentance, a change of heart and life (2 Samuel 12:1-13). When we fail our tests, let us confess our sin and pursue a change of heart and life, finding grace and redemption in Jesus.

Jesus, would you refine our character so that we would be a people of integrity and obedience to you. When tests come, help us to rely on the power of your Spirit and our refined character. May we be holy and set apart for your glory. Amen.

Recommended readings to grow in character: 
  • The Making of a Leader, Robert Clinton.
    • Chapter 3: Foundational Lessons: Inner-Life Growth Processes 
  • The Measure of a Man, Gene Getz 
  • The Story of Abraham, Genesis 22:1-19
  • The Story of Joseph, Genesis 39 
  • The Israelites, Deuteronomy 8:1-10
  • The Story of David, 2 Samuel 11

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