Friday, August 22, 2014

Walking with Jesus

Walking with Jesus is all about intimacy, closeness, doing life together with Him. Even more, Jesus longs and desires to walk with us, side by side, sharing life together. Walking with Jesus is living in a continual state of practicing His presence - walking in a God-consciousness, a God-awareness. This happens when Jesus is more and more living His life in our lives. Our aim is that we would no longer be living out of our own flesh, but rather Jesus would be living in us and through us (Galatians 2:20). Simply put, we are doing all things with Jesus.

Practicing the presence of Jesus is one of the deepest ways to grow in intimacy and friendship with our Savior and Friend. Brother Lawrence and Frank Laubach discovered the endless possibilities when walking with Jesus in a moment-by-moment basis. You can read their reflections and insights in the book, Practicing His Presence

In walking with Jesus, we develop a God-awareness, a God-consciousness that permeates our entire being. This is developed as a slight act of our wills, by bringing Him to mind. With our will, we direct our attention to Jesus, bringing ourselves into alignment with Him. We invite Him into our very being and every part of our living. We begin to commune with Jesus in a constant state - while walking, working, gardening, doing dishes, during a conversation, cleaning our room, investing in our children. Walking with Jesus permeates every moment of our life.

To be realistic, we know this does not happen instantly. Failure is expected! Even more, this failure works in our favor because it brings to us an awareness that we can reconnect with Jesus. No guilt. No shame. Only acceptance into the presence of Jesus once again. This habit can only be formed over time, just like any other habit. When we notice we have fallen out of walking with Jesus and are pulled away from our God-consciousness, we simply pray, "Jesus, teach me to walk with you." This simple prayer opens the door for Grace to enter our hearts and do its work. We simply create a space for Jesus to come more fully into our hearts and lives.

Frank Laubach encourages us to develop the habit of connecting with Jesus once every minute. No need to stop your current endeavor, simply invite Him into everything you are doing, saying or thinking (pg. 30). Over time, as we are intentional, we will develop the habit of walking with Jesus and practicing His presence. We will be walking in a continual state of communion and connection, Jesus living in us and through us.

Personally, I have failed for hours and sometimes days at end without walking with Jesus. But Grace draws me back, reminding me to once again walk with Jesus. I then simply pray, "Jesus, teach me to walk with you." As I have prayed this simple prayer hundreds of times, practicing His presence is becoming more natural and consistent, all by the work of Grace in me. I worry less. I love people more. I'm more excited about life and what God has for us. I live more for God and others, and less for myself. I experience the compassionate love of the Father more deeply, more freely. Walking with Jesus truly is Life to the full.

As we grow in walking with Jesus and practicing His presence, our relationship with Jesus will be more than we could have ever asked or imagined.

Jesus, may you teach us to walk with you. Amen.

Recommended readings to grow in walking with Jesus:

  • Practicing His Presence, Brother Lawrence & Frank Laubach
  • Open Mind, Open Heart, Thomas Keating

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