Sunday, September 6, 2015

Spiritual Growth Keys: Openness

Spiritual keys are pathways for spiritual growth and maturity. As we use specific spiritual keys in the Kingdom of God, we unlock doors that grant access to a deeper life in Christ and greater possibilities for discipleship. These keys release spiritual qualities that can be cultivated into attitudes and lifestyles. It is as if God's eyes are searching throughout the earth, looking for these qualities in disciples so they can proceed unto greater growth and maturity. Openness is one of these keys.

The spiritual key of openness is a willingness and orientation toward receiving new ideas or experiences that do not naturally fit into our worldview. Our worldview is formed by the influences around us - culture, language, family, experiences (or lack of them), etc. Worldview creates a lens by which we filter all information that comes our way. Naturally, what fits our worldview is allowed through the filter. Conversely, what does not naturally fit our worldview, or that which we do not agree with, is often filtered out and not received. But if we develop a general openness and a worldview that is flexible, it grows and expands with new information and experiences, then we will be more open to what God has for us - while staying true to orthodox theology and canonized Scripture. Openness also needs to be accompanied with discernment, a sound mind and rational thinking.

Unfortunately, there are several factors that often keep us from being open. Automatic thoughts are one of the greatest culprits. As you might guess, automatic thoughts generate automatically in response to a person, situation or idea. In our context of openness, automatic judgmental thoughts keep us from being open. These types of thoughts automatically shut down any openness. "That's a dumb idea." "That will never work." "That's not part of our tradition." "The Holy Spirit would not ever work like that." Such thoughts keep us from being spiritually open and can stunt spiritual growth. Another hindrance to openness is thinking that my way is the best way. If we always assume our way is the best way, then we will never create a space within ourselves and our community that is open to new moves of God or Holy Spirit inspired change. Such thinking causes pride and arrogance to short circuit what the Holy Spirit might want to bring through someone else. The last major culprit hindering openness are wounds that come from not being heard. When we carry unhealed wounds of not being heard by those in our lives - such as parents, friends, teachers, peers, etc. - then these wounds will cause us to replicate the same attitude of not listening to others. But if we recognize that woundedness causes us to be closed of towards others, we can then begin to seek healing and learn to listen well to others.

Openness can and should be cultivated as an attitude and lifestyle. A helpful step toward openness is a willingness to hear people out. Even though we might not agree or think our way is better, we can choose to hear someone out and ask questions to genuinely understand their perspective. As we actively listen to others, we become more open, which can ultimately create more openness towards God's perspectives.

We should also recognize that our perspective is limited. As the old story goes, some blind men were touching an object and describing what they felt. One said it was like a rope. Another said it was like a hose. Another said it was like a tree and another like a wall. So, what were these men describing? An elephant! Each one had only a small perspective of the larger picture. Having an openness toward other perspectives helps us see the larger picture. Another way to help see the larger picture and be more open to God's desires is by seeking Reality. I capitalized reality here because I am talking about God's Reality - how God sees the situation. God's Reality is best because God always sees a person or situation in its fullest form. Our reality, on the other hand, is always limited. As we pursue Jesus and spiritual growth, we must always seek and ask God about God's Reality with the person or situation. God's Reality will always point toward a fuller understanding and worldview.

The outcomes of openness are definitely worth the journey. As we cultivate openness with discernment, we will receive more of what God has for us. If we remain closed, we will not experience more of God's greatness, relationship, ideas and ways. But if we are open, the Holy Spirit will kick in our theology box. Sometimes we hold tight to our theology because we believe it is the right theology or our tradition is the right tradition. But openness creates a space where our theology box becomes flexible or can be reconstructed to receive a wider view and understanding of the Kingdom of God. As we grow and mature in the faith, we will recognize that our theology and experience of God develops over time. Just like knowing a friend for three years, you will not see them in the same way you did the first week. Likewise, time, new experiences and the perspectives of others will expand our theology and experiences of God creating new paradigms and a worldview closer to Reality - while not straying from orthodox theology and canonized Scripture.

Openness is a spiritual key that unlocks the door toward spiritual growth and maturity. As we release automatic judgmental thoughts, see that other's ways are just a valid and respond appropriately to our wounds of not being heard, we will progress on the pathway of openness. This openness will help us to hear people out, even when we do not agree. It will help us recognize that our perspective is limited and point us toward a greater Reality in our lives and situations. Openness ultimately allows us to receive more of what God has for us. It breaks down our tightly gripped theology and helps us expand our theology and experiences of God over time. Let us take the spiritual key of openness to new areas of life and faith in order to unlock and discover whatever God has in store.

Jesus, would you bless us with a greater openness to you and your ways. Would we have an open mind and heart to the work of your Spirit in our lives that we may receive all that you have for us. May we be a people who never settle, but always seek after all that you have for us. Amen.

Blog Series: Spiritual Growth Keys

Spiritual Growth Keys: Willingness

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