Saturday, August 29, 2015

Spiritual Growth Keys: Willingness

Spiritual keys are factors for spiritual growth and pathways to maturity. As we use specific spiritual keys in the Kingdom of God, we unlock doors that grant access to a deeper life in Christ and greater possibilities for discipleship. These keys release spiritual qualities that can be cultivated into lifestyles and attitudes. It is as if God's eyes are searching throughout the earth, looking for these qualities in his disciples so they can proceed unto greater growth and maturity. Willingness is one of these keys.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Abiding: Tarrying in God's Presence

Tarrying in God's presence is another aspect of the abiding which takes us closer to God. As we tarry, we have the opportunity to more easily encounter God's presence. This is an occasion when a follower of Jesus encounters the Living God in such a way that we linger in God's presence, enjoying the Person of God.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Abiding: Abiding in Jesus Keeps Us from Sinning

Ever thought about when you sin? Find a moment in your life when you sinned. Got one? Now think about your connection to Jesus. When you sinned, your connection with Jesus was broken; you were not abiding in him. Every time we sin, we chose to break connection with Jesus. But when we refrain from sinning, it is because we remain in connection with Jesus.